Brand A


Fast by default, with config optimized for performance.

Tailwind CSS

A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

ESlint & Prettier

For clean, consistent, and error-free code.

Extremely strict TypeScript

With `ts-reset` library for ultimate type safety.

Bundle analyzer plugin

Keep an eye on your bundle size.

Jest & React Testing Library

For rock-solid unit and integration tests.


Write end-to-end tests like a pro.

Brand B


Fast by default, with config optimized for performance.

Tailwind CSS

A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

ESlint & Prettier

For clean, consistent, and error-free code.

Extremely strict TypeScript

With `ts-reset` library for ultimate type safety.

Bundle analyzer plugin

Keep an eye on your bundle size.

Jest & React Testing Library

For rock-solid unit and integration tests.


Write end-to-end tests like a pro.

Brand C


Fast by default, with config optimized for performance.

Tailwind CSS

A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

ESlint & Prettier

For clean, consistent, and error-free code.

Extremely strict TypeScript

With `ts-reset` library for ultimate type safety.

Bundle analyzer plugin

Keep an eye on your bundle size.

Jest & React Testing Library

For rock-solid unit and integration tests.


Write end-to-end tests like a pro.